About Kaybee

I don’t know many girls whose dream is to be a sports journalist for their favorite baseball team. But if you think about it, it’s a wonder there aren’t more 🙂 I don’t know many girls who would rather be at the ballpark than anywhere else – including the mall or the movies. I don’t know many girls who don’t care about fashion and wear their team’s shirts every day. I don’t know many girls who would flat-out cry if their team loses in the playoffs. (Though it’s said that there’s no crying in baseball, that applies only to the boys. The girls can cry all they want!) I don’t know many girls who mourn the moving on of a player whose legacy will forever rest on the team that he played for for so many years – like Trevor Hoffman. I don’t know many girls who live and die with their team, never giving up on them especially when things get hard. I don’t know many girls who love their team so badly that it hurts. I don’t know many girls whose celebrity crush is the cutest player on their team (in this case, Kevin Kouzmanoff). I don’t know many girls who don’t care about what other people think about them and scream their voices out for their team. But that’s me. I’m all of these things. A Christian, proud member of the Friar Faithful, and die-hard Padres fan, I can’t give up on this team. We’ll get our World Series soon. So enjoy the blog, expect opinionated analysis of this team, and GO PADRES!!


The Padres, writing, PETCO Park, Kevin Kouzmanoff, cute rookies, third base, catchers, blogging about my boys 🙂